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Dear Lady,
Dear Lady,
Im just saying thank you.
The world doesn’t really know everything about you. There are struggles only women can conquer. To my sisters mothers daughters and friends, Has anyone told you that your an anchor? You are the pioneer for resilience equality and strength. you’ve showed us to embody bravery and take care of our health, you’ve faught against all odds and still rose in time. When men don’t listen you have to make the tough decisions. When the world didn’t believe In you, you made a way. When the world cries it runs to your arms every time everyday. Dear lady you are strong. Did you know your powerful beyond measure? Did you know your words hold value, your Love is unconditional, your opinion matters.

Dear woman, did you know the many lives you inspire? Did you know how you cary the human race higher and higher? You are the barer off each generation. The giver of life, more than a gate, to many you are the salvation. Dear lady, I applaud how you flex those muscles project that voice, I love how bold you are. You calm the noise. This world has changed and you’ve led the way. We honor you today not for you career nor your beauty, a woman is always in duty. We honor you for the lives you’ve touched the people you’ve raised the Movements you’ve led, the storms you’ve calmed, the power you’d made, the solutions you hold, the love you cary despite what you’ve been told. You are woman, you are strong, you are woman powerful and all. Feel and know This. Who we are and What we feel is how we grow the change.
Sincerely Yours,
-Harold J.A. Waight
48 X 36 Oil on CANVAS
Model: Iyanla kalifa Video/PHOTO: Jason Sanders M.U.A: Julian Hernandez
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